Having a community is very influential nowadays when it comes to running a business. Small-medium businesses put community tabs on social media and personal websites to monitoring subscribers' opinions there. Your business can benefit in many ways through the online community. It helps to know the needs and likings of the customers, and you can increase the reputation by fulfilling it. In addition, this community section helps in various ways to improve customer retention and reliability. Also, a community can save your business costs and extend social collaboration between the service provider and buyer. It is a solid "place" where like-minded members can gather around a common topic, share ideas, build their reputation as concrete professionals, meet other experts in their field, and have a cumulative experience developing beyond their natural boundaries.

Best Online Community Plugins For 2021
Today we will talk about ten feature-rich community plugins that will help you to build a fully functional online community for your brand. If you don't have a website and thinking about creating one, check our reviews on online community themes, surely you'll find something you like.
Ultimate Membership Pro

Ultimate Membership Pro is one of the best community plugins in Codecanyon. It allows you to create a multi-level community and maintain it with both free and premium subscriptions. This means you can provide different levels of access to content and other services based on the type of membership each user has paid for. More than 30,000 web communities are built on this powerful plugin. It's a very easy-to-go plugin, and a powerful admin dashboard will help you manage members and other integrations. Over 11 payment methods are supporting this plugin, including PayPal, Stripe, Payza, etc.
Key Features
- Multi Level Subcriptions
- WooCommerce supported
- Free/Paid Membership
- Multi Payment System
- Social Login
- Menu Protection
- Content Locker
- Email Marketing
- Content Protection
- Synced WP users
- Translation Ready
- Membership Card
- Bulk Coupon
- Downlad Monitoring
- BuddyPress Account
- Pushover Notification
- Visual Composer
- Keyword Restiction
UserPro WordPress Plugin

UserPro is a complete plugin to create a community website. It has an amazing front-end, profile management system, login and registration module. Also, it comes with other useful features like social connect and integration, viral marketing, user badges, verified accounts, private/public activity feed and many more! You can easily build your own community and maintain it from a strong admin panel. It's compatible with market popular plugins and fully ready to act as a social network. To provide a pro-community experience to your users, UserPro is undoubtedly a wise choice.
Key Features
- Drag & Drop Admin Panel
- WooCommerce supported
- 5 Ready To Use Skins
- WPML Supported
- 350+ FontAwesome Icon
- Unlimited Google Fonts
- Unlimited CSS support
- RTL Support
- Fully Responsive
- Auto Update Feature
- Multiple Resgistration
- Social Connection
Youzify - BuddyPress Community & WordPress User Profile Plugin

Youzify is a top-rated community and user profile plugin, and it's the perfect choice for your business. It has all the facilities that you be to bring life into your website and provide your users with much more space to express themselves, share their authorized information, skills and opportunity to interact with each other. It's a modern responsive, eye-catching design plugin with different design schemes. Youzify let share different post types, and manage directories, groups, messages, notification. Ratings, etc. Youzify greatly protects users privacy, and it's integrated with BuddyPress, bbPress, WooCommerce, MailChimp etc.
Key Features
- Private Profiles
- Information Privacy
- WPML Supported
- Unlimited Custom Tab & Links
- 404 Profile Page
- Real Time Pagination
- 14 Header Styles
- 16 Color Schemes
- 20 Profile Widget
- 8 Profile Tab
- Unlimited Ads & Structure
- Resonsive Design
PrivateContent - Multilevel Content Plugin

To experience a true multi-level membership module, Private content is a powerful plugin, but it's straightforward to use. You can manage users with a modern framework within a unique engine to protect every corner of your website. This plugin complies with GDPR and can completely sync with the WordPress user system. It integrates with Google Analytics to deliver a precise report on page view, log in, logout, and registration in chronological order. However, you don't need to have any coding knowledge to configure all these mechanics. Private content is a developer-friendly plugin, and if you are interested in extending the plugin's capabilities, you are more than welcome.
Key Features
- Google Analytics
- Restriction Wizard
- WordPress User Sync
- A True Form Framework
- WooCommerce Support
- Custom skin builder
- Login methods
- 100% Multilanguage
- Dev-oriented API
- Coupons Support
User Profiles Made Easy - WordPress Plugin

User Profile Made Easy WordPress plugin is sophisticatedly designed to create and maintain user profiles. It's a power-packed WordPress plugin that can create a full-featured front end layout, profile, log in and registration module. It's responsive and compatible with almost every web browser. Also, it's capable of backend design is simple with User Profile Made Easy plugin. This plugin is compatible with WooCommece, and it has multi-level language support. This brilliant plugin helps you to create simple and flexible user profiles easily. It has premade layouts for almost every section, so check out more at Codecanyon.
Key Features
- 35 Advanced Field Type
- WooCommerce supported
- WPML Supported
- Pro Content Restriction.
- Private Mode.
- Member Directory.
- Search and member list.
- Front-end user login.
- Custom designs.
- Unique Page Design
- Social registration & login.
- Custom redirection
- Display Member List
- Advanced Admin Panel
- Custom Validations.
- Additional Fields.
ARMember - WordPress Membership Plugin

ARMember is a premium WordPress plugin for building and managing a membership site. The item requires no coding knowledge, and your visitors can become members by registering a plan, getting access to the contents, and processing the payments. ARMember has a user-friendly interface, and it's effortless to use. It's a comprehensive membership system to establish a fully functional membership site. Moreover, you can start an affiliation program with it. No matter what our business type is - the ARMember WordPress Membership plugin will fit perfectly.
Key Features
- Easiest Content Protection
- WooCommerce supported
- WPML Supported
- Membership Modals
- Multi-Level Membership
- Drip Content Facility
- Unique Setup Wizard
- Built-in security Options
- Social Login Facility
- Elegant Login/signup form
- Multiple Payment Cycle
- Powerful theme options
- Free/Paid Trial Option
- Opt-in integration
Sabai Discuss - Q&A forum plugin for WordPress

If you want to build a question and answer based forum website like Quora or Stack Overflow, Sabai Discuss is an excellent tool for that purpose. This plugin features the ability to build a discussion forum. Its flat & responsive design and tons of options for building a community platform, including shortcodes and widgets. With the Ajax search facility, users can ask questions and answers using different keywords and categories. It has an automated spam moderation protocol. Also, this plugin can be integrated with any popular WordPress plugin. So, do check it out if you want to build a community website.
Key Features
- Responsive & Flat Design
- 10 Email Template
- Search Q/A with Keyword
- Close/ Reopen Question
- Featured Question
- CSV Importer/Exporter
- User profile pages
- User reputation system
- 5 shortcodes
- 9 WordPress widgets
- Fully translatable
- RTL language support
Forym - Modern Discussion Forum for Wordpress

Forym is an excellent fresh, fully responsive forum that combines traditional forums' features with the question and answers variant, which is gaining reputation nowadays. One way this is represented is by being able to vote answers up or down. It is highly customisable and harmonious with every WordPress theme. It offers the ability for users to add badges, signatures, nominate an answer as a 'best answer', and includes a profanity filter. It's a lovely minimalist and user-friendly plugin and has excellent features such as drag and drop file uploading, and, for those happy with coding, it lets you get in there and customise it to your heart's content.
Key Features
- Frontend editor.
- Drag&Drop file uploader.
- Role Manage
- Require specific role to read and/or post in selected categories
- Quote and @mention options.
- Take over Wordpress comments
- User reputation system
- Vote answers Up/Down
- Accept Replies
- Search Engine Optimized
- Content Profanity Filter
- Block Users
- Post Templates (metros)
- Light & Dark theme
WordPress Chat Room, Group Chat Plugin

WordPress Chatroom is a convenient live chat solution for a community website. If you are looking towards adding live chat functionality, this plugin makes communication faster and easier. It works on any blogging, forum, directory, eCommerce and BuddyPress website. It uses popular BuddyPress for group chat, and everyone in the community can have a discussion in separate rooms or common groups and share images, videos, documents, audios, etc. The powerful admin section allows you to control members. WordPress Chatroom plugin can schedule history cleanup, and one can invite a member with a private room invitation. Indeed it is an excellent tool for adding chat features to a website, so check it out.
Key Features
- WP Users Chatroom
- BuddyPress Group Chat
- Individual Private chat
- Multiple Chat at a Time
- Image, File, Video Share
- WPML Supported
- 3 way Notification System
- Private Chat Invitation
- 80 Smiley icon
- Online, Offline Indication
- Member Search Option
- Users thumbnail image
- Ajax Technology
- WP Multisite Enabled
DW Question & Answer Pro - WordPress Plugin

DW Question & Answer Pro allows you to create a user-generated Q&A section where users can submit their questions, filter them according to need on the front end and vote for their favourite answer. You can add questions and answers to different sections of your website and manage them all together. This plugin is blessed with an easy management system. That's why making emails from templates and allowing users with multi-level power is quite handy from the admin panel. Apart from that, DW Q&A includes email notifications, support in over 11 languages, captchas, and social media sharing.
Key Features
- Front End Management
- Public/Private Question
- Pick Best Answer
- User Voting System
- Instant Search
- Social Sharing
- 7 Email Template
- Modern UI
- Advanced Admin Panel
- Exclusive File Management
- Spam Control
- User Mention
- RTL Support
- 8 WordPress Widget
Final Words
Our recommended community plugins are the best for 2021, and these will help you create and manage a thriving community site. Whether it's a community blog, a forum, or a social network, these are the best option for you. Make sure to maintain flexibility and make the community capable of accepting all sorts of content. Indeed, you want to deliver the best experience to your users, so choose your plugin sensibly.